Join Us!
Have you read the requirements? You must be Catholic and an Autistic person, and agree to all the requirements in order to join. If you have met all the requirements, you’re good to go, simply download, print out, and sign the form below; the purpose of this form is merely to give you assurance that you are indeed, part of this group and receiving the benefits of your fellow-members intercession. There is nothing binding here apart from your own loyalty to each other, as Elrond in The Fellowship of the Ring put it:
“No oath or bond is laid on you to go further than you will. For you do not yet know the strength of your hearts, and you cannot foresee what each may meet upon the road.”
May you reap many benefits grow a great deal on your journey of Sanctification; Our Lady of Grace, pray for us!
Build the Confraternity!
Claritas has yet to be approved as an official Confraternity of the Catholic Church, the main reason for this is that we have not yet established any in-person houses in the Church, we are thus far, exclusively online, on discord; we’d like to call upon all members to seek to establish, in-person houses in their local parishes, so that we can move forward to establishing full approval and recognition by the Catholic Church, the Kingdom of God on earth.
To do this, simply find other Autistic people in you parish, encourage them to join Claritas, start having meetings, and elect a House Master &/or House Mistress and him/her/them contact me, the Grand Master via email or discord.
Spread the Word!
Download and print out our flyer & pin it to your parish’s bulletin to let other know about this group!