Special Prayer Campaigns

For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

As I’ve mentioned before, it was Our Lady of Fatima that brought me back to the Catholic Faith. The Three Fatima Children were told to pray for three things, the conversion of Poor Sinner, the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Our Dear Blessed Mother for offenses against Her, and for the Holy Father himself. Whatever your thoughts our on Pope Francis, (I have huge issues with what was done at the Amazon Synod) he needs our prayers nonetheless, God desires all souls to be saved, and regardless of whether we have a good Pope or bad Pope, the office that holds a huge amount of responsibility; God hold the souls of Popes to a much higher standard than He does any of us.

Let us pray very much for him!

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • Five Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 7 Memorares

  • 2 Hail Holy Queens

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou our Salvation

  • O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

  • Mother of the Church, pray for us!

  • Saint Peter, pray for us!

Say these prayers until the Campaign is complete, or until you are no longer able to continue.

An Appeal to Heaven


We’ve had campaigns like this before, but to this full extent, it’s been 3 years since Claritas first came online, and while we have grown, we still haven’t established any in-person group at the parish level. It’s time to change that. Starting today, we are going to pray non-stop for the establishment of at least one in-person Claritan group at a parish, and the full-approval of Claritas by at least one bishop of the Catholic Church.

Let’s get to work.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • Five Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • One Franciscan Rosary

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 1 or 3 Hail Marys

  • 1 or 7 Memorares

  • 1, 2, 3, or 7 Hail Holy Queens

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Say “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou our Salvation!”

  • Say “Saint Thorlak, pary for us!”

  • Say “Blessed Charles of Austria, pray for us!”

  • Say “Blessed Charlemagne, pray for us!”

  • Meditate on a verse of Sacred Scripture, or some other relevant Catholic writing for this intention.

Bad Faith

If one were to ask me what what ideology is driving the Post-Christian West, my answer in up until recently would be to say that there three ideologies at the black core of the Post-Christian West; Existentialism, Materialism, and Identitarianism. Now even back then I was convinced that Existentialism was at the head of these three ideologies driving Post-Christian West. But recently, as I’ve found myself unknowingly taking a closer look at history, pop culture, politics, the Western psyche & so forth, and I’m now convinced that Existentialism is the key, toxic belief dominating Western Society and the Western Mind.

Now, when I speak of Existentialism, I’m speaking predominantly of it in practice rather than in theory; in practice, Existentialism is the belief that reality is this sort of metaphysical raw material that one is entitled to impose his or her own will on; an Existentialist approaches reality the same way an Industrial Modernist approaches the natural environment. However after my recent, unexpected excursion alluded to above, I now know that, at least some of the theories line-up quite well with practice, hence why I’m starting this prayer campaign and am aiming at a very specific religion in this struggle. But don’t worry, I’ll try to spare you the long rambling details on the nature of this philosophy, if you want to hear more, check out our Discord Server where I’ve had more discussions on this philosophy with another philosophically-minded member.

You may have noticed that Leftist morality revolves, almost exclusively around consent, This, I am almost quite certain now, comes from Jean-Paul Satre’s mauvaise foi or “bad faith,” (hence why I’ve named this prayer campaign after this) which was his effort to explore how people influence each other, from an Existentialist point of view. (Again, I’ll spare everyone the details of it here) You see for Existentialists, human beings are agents of reality-molding, each human being is entitled to impose his or her will on reality. But human beings are also part of reality, and thus we are also vulnerable to everyone else’s reality re-shaping projects. Consent is the Existentialist’s safe-guard against having another Existentialist impose his or her will on them, this is why consent is so important to the Left.

So how can we take advantage of this? Well you may have noticed a rise of Satanism in the Modern West, you may think Satanism is a problem for people on the Left because it’s an admission that at least some Left-wing ideals are Satanic, but it’s an even bigger problem when you consider the Existentialist principles at play. Existentialists basically believe that reality is determined by each individual human being, but Satanists, by their very existence are acknowledging that they are opposing something more than just people they disagree with! Sure, they may claim that they’re just opposing “bad” people with “bad” beliefs, but by Existentialist rules, they are in fact consenting to the existence of the Mystical Body of Christ, by the very existence of their religion. Therefore let us pray for the conversion of all Satanists and the overthrow of all Satanic cults and factions that we may flip the tables and help move things a little closer to the restoring Christian Civilization.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • One, Five, Fifteen or Twenty Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary or Seven Hail Marys while meditating on Her Seven Sorrows

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 7 Memorares

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • The Auxilium Christianorum Prayer pictured in the image above

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Pray “O Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church and all those recommended to Thee!” or the Latin version “Regina sine labe originale concepta, ora pro nobis, et hostibus nostris!”

  • Pray the Saint Michael Prayer

  • Pray “Queen of Angels, pray for us!”

  • Pray “Queen of All-Saints, pray for us!”

For Persecuted Catholics Around the World

While we Catholics here in the Western Hemisphere have to deal with doubt and decadence. Our brother and sister Catholics in other part of the globe have a completely different situation on their hands; in Nigeria, North Korea, Nicaragua, and elsewhere, Catholics are dealing with full-blown persecution! Islamic, Marxists and other anti-Catholic regimes are persecuting Catholic communities and Catholics are being martyred right now at this very moment. Here in the west, few people are talking about this, including us Catholics, but here at Claritas, we will be mindful of them.

In this prayer campaign, we shall pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters across the world, let us pray that those families that are seeking to escape may escape, while those who are called to Martyrdom may have the Grace to lay down their Lives for Christ, and their brothers and sisters in Christ.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • One, Five, Fifteen or Twenty Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary or Seven Hail Marys while meditating on Her Seven Sorrows

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 7 Memorares

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Pray “O Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church and all those recommended to Thee!” or the Latin version “Regina sine labe originale concepta, ora pro nobis, et hostibus nostris!”

  • Pray “Queen of Martyrs, pray for them!”

  • Pray “Queen of All-Saints, pray for them!”

  • Ask for the intercession of Saint Stephan and other Great Martyrs.

The Great Re-Evangelization Campaign 2024-2025

Hi folks, it’s that time of year again so let’s begin; apostasy is one of the most Spiritually toxic things imaginable, yet there is still hope for an apostate; yea not only is there hope, but as Saint James declares in the passage quoted to the left, if we help bring an apostate back to the Faith, we will cover a whole multitude of our own sins.

So, from the Feast of Christ the King until Pentecost, (Which is on June 8, 2025) let us pray for the reversion of all fallen-away Catholics. This of course will be an annual campaign.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • An Hour of the Divine Office, or one of the Little Offices

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary or the Prayer Rule of Theotokos (I’ll be updating the site and sign-up sheet sometime later)

  • A Chokti of any number of knots

  • “O blood and water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in you!”

  • The Divine Mercy Chaplet

  • The Veni Creator Spiritus Prayer

In addition to one of these prayer you should add the following:

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • “Our Lady of Grace, pray for us!”

  • “Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!”

  • “Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!”

  • “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • “Mother of the Church, pray for us!”

    This Campaign will conclude on June 5, 2025, the Feast of Pentecost

For Uncontacted Peoples

Across the globe, there exists a handful of uncontacted peoples, people who have no contact with the outside world. These people need what all human beings need, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray that Our Blessed Mother shows Herself a Mother to them and they may come to know Love and serve God and be Happy with Him in the next Life.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • One, Five, Fifteen or Twenty Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • One Chaplet of The Little Crown

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 7 Memorares

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Pray “O Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church and all those recommended to Thee!” or the Latin version “Regina sine labe originale concepta, ora pro nobis, et hostibus nostris!”

  • Pray the Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe or ask for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s intercession.

  • Ask for the intercession of other Saints that are associated with Evangelization.

For the mass-conversion of Autistic leftists. (and certain right-wing Autistic people as well.)

I’m finally doing this, I’m addressing the elephant in the room, the fact that so many Autistic folk are gripped by the ideology of leftism. The leftist victim mentality appeals to Autistic people for obvious reasons and thus, many of them have become leftist activists. Even though I suspect that a lot of leftist beliefs and ideals actually go against the interests of Autistic people, Marxist Materialism is actually quite dangerous to Autistic people when you take a look how human being are viewed and treated in a materialist society.

Now I’m not just focusing on leftists in this campaign, we have to be Autistically honest and recognize that we’re not (or at least not just,) right-wingers, we’re Catholics. Not every right-wing ideology conforms to the moral teachings of the Catholic Faith, from most forms of Libertarianism to Identitarianism, some right-wing ideologies are better rejected for the better truths of the Catholic Faith. (I’m quite dubious towards Libertarianism but am open to some Libertarian morals being an essential part of Christian society. Speaking of openness, if you’re a leftist reading this and want to convince me otherwise, by all means contact me and we can have a discussion, dialogue or debate on this)

We already pray for the conversion of all Autistic people outside of the Catholic Church, now let’s double our efforts and pray for a mass-conversion of Autistic people, perhaps even a Guadalupe-level conversion:

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • 1, 5, 15, or 20 Decades of the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • 1 33-knotted Chokti

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • The Seven Sorrows Rosary or 7 Hail Marys in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows

  • The Franciscan Rosary

  • The Ave Maris Stella Prayer

  • Pray repeatedly “O Mary Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church and all those recommended to Thee!” or the Latin version “Regina sine labe originale concepta, ora pro nobis, et hostibus nostris!”

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • “Immaculate Queen, pray for us!”

  • “Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!”

  • “Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can perform them no longer.

Elon Musk's Tweet and my response.

For Elon Musk’s Conversion and Salvation.

Elon Musk, who identifies as an Aspie, (a form of what is now known as Level-1 Autism) has been making the news a lot recently and has made the news a lot in the past. He is a morally ambiguous person who, recently stated that he was once left-leaning but feels that the Left has gone too far and thus, is now siding more with conservatives. He supports a lot of problematic things the most noticeably trans-humanism and a recent tweet shown here in my response of said tweet, he expresses despair over his own Salvation.

Thus for this our prayer campaign for Claritas, I’d like to call on all members willing and available to pray for Elon Musk’s conversion and Salvation, below I will list the prayers available and recommended:

The prayers recommended for this campaign are:
  • Five decades of the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • A Chokti

  • One Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Memorares

  • 3 Times: “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You!”

  • The Hail Holy Queen Prayer

Say one or more of these prayers daily until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform it.

Spiritual War

for the

Conversion of Pagans

Epiphany marks the beginning of the gentiles’ conversion to the One True Faith, the realization that there is a God in Israel. Passages from both the Old and New Testament state that all the gods of the gentiles, are demons. Today, many are going back to the worship of these demons, there is a resurgence in Paganism, Shamanism, Wiccanism, Animism, Occultism and even blatant Satanism.

On this Feast of the Epiphany, I call on all able-spirit Claritans, that is, Claritans are very good with prayer and practicing the Catholic Faith, to go to war! To wage spiritual warfare for the liberation of these souls. pray for the conversion of these people and their liberation from the demonic!

Prayers Recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 3 Hail Marys, or 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • 1 33-knotted Chokti

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • The Prayer Shown in the picture for this Campaign

  • The Saint Michael’s Prayer

  • Litany of the Precious Blood (Prayers to the Precious Blood have been observed to be very efficacious against the demonic)

  • Litany of Loreto

  • Litany to Our Lady of Sorrows

  • 7 Hail Marys in honour of Her Seven Sorrows or the Seven Sorrows Rosary

In addition to one of these prayer you should add the following:

  • Say “Precious Blood of Christ, Save us!”

  • Say “Queen of Angels, pray for us!”

  • Say “Queen of All-Saints, pray for us!”

  • Say “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

For the Parents of Autistic People.

This site is made, by Autistic People, for Autistic People. A lot of the times the people we most likely find ourselves at odds with, are parents, be they our own parents or the parents of other Autistic people. Let us pray for the parents of Autistic children then, pray that they get all the help and support they need, and that they love and accept their Autistic children and help them get to Heaven.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • One or Three Hail Marys

  • One Hail Holy Queen

  • One Decade of the Rosary

  • One Prayer to Saint Joseph

  • Say “Mary, Queen of the Family, pray for them!”

  • Say “Jesus, Mary & Joseph, help them!”

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

Against Identitarianism


Two years or two ago, I decided to start this campaign in response to the rise in Identitarianism on both the Left and the Right. After that I saw a slight but significant turn in the right direction among some forms of political discourse, especially among our fellow-Catholics. Encouraged by this result, and also in response to the fact that, unfortunately, Identitarianism is still nonetheless, wreaking havoc in our society and political discourse; I started a new campaign the following year. This year, I have continue to see things move in the right direction on both the Right and the Left. Unfortunately, I was both busy and also just forgot about this campaign, now though I have decided to start it up and unite it with the 2025 campaign which will conclude on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2025.

Most of us know well, the modern, toxic form of Identitarianism, but Identitarianism has existed long before its modern version reared it’s ugly head. It is my belief that World War I ultimately cast Christian Civilization into Her current dormant state, and brought about the modern, post-Christian West, and one of the key things that brought about World War I among many other things, was Identitarianism, all those nationalist movements that sprang-up across Europe. Additionally, it’s a common tactic for Communist governments to use patriotism and cultural pride as a form of bread & circuses for the masses; radio stations in the Soviet Union often played patriotic and traditional Russian music and poetry.

So let us pray for an end to Identitarianism, the People of God are not the descendants of Sem, nor are they the descendants of Ham or even Japheth, no, they are all those who are members of Christ’s Mystical Body, the Catholic Church!

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • One Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary of be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • “Save us Theotokos!“

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following prayers:

  • Immaculate Queen of the Universe, pray for us!

  • Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!

  • Queen of All Nations, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Sion, pray for us!

  • Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of China, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Vailankanni, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Kibeho, pray for us!

  • Any other cultural-related title of Our Lady that you know of, provided that it’s approved by the Church.

This Campaign will conclude on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2025

For Nancy Pelosi’s Conversion and Salvation.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has denied Holy Communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her public and obstinate stance on abortion. Allowing a public and notorious sinner to receive Holy Communion is a scandalous act and Canon law states that having or encouraging someone to procure an abortion is a latae sententiae excommunication. (I’m not sure if Nancy Pelosi falls under the latae sententiae part as I am not canon lawyer and don’t know specifically what she has exactly said on the matter, but it’s worth mentioning this nonetheless.) Withholding Communion from a public sinner is an act of mercy as it both, makes the sinner more aware of his or (in this case) her state and protects him or her from committing the worst sin possible, sacrilegious Holy Communion.

Let us pray that Nancy Pelosi repents of her promotion of this grave sin, one of the Four Sins the Cry to Heaven for Vengeance; and becomes reconciled with the Church and Saves her soul.

Update: Nancy Pelosi has now retired, please continue to pray for the Salvation of her soul.

The prayers recommended for this campaign are:
  • Five decades of the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • One Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • 1 Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Memorares

  • 3 Times “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You!”

  • The Hail Holy Queen Prayer

In addition to one of these prayers you should add the following:
  • My God I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee, I ask pardon of those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.

Say these prayers daily until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform it.

For the Conversion and Salvation of Justin Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau, the Prime minister of Canada is a self-proclaimed Catholic who promotes abortion and many other evils that are completely contrary to the Faith. Allowing a public and notorious sinner to receive Holy Communion is a scandalous act and Canon law states that having or encouraging someone to procure an abortion is a latae sententiae excommunication. (Again, I’m not 100% certain if Justin Trudeau falls under the latae sententiae part, although I’ve got to say, considering some of the things I’ve heard him say, I’m much more suspicious of him than I am of Nancy Pelosi!) As far as I can tell Justin Trudeau still receives Holy Communion despite is obstinate and aggressive support for abortion.

Let us pray very much for his repentance!

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • Five decades of the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One 33-knotted Chokti

  • One Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Memorares

  • 3 Times “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You!”

  • The Hail Holy Queen Prayer

  • 3 Hail Marys

In addition to one or more of the above please consider adding the following one or two prayers:

  • “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. And by the Infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of sinners”

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thee our Salvation!”

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

Completed Campaigns

Partially Completed:

For Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and also Benedict XVI.

As I’ve mentioned before, it was Our Lady of Fatima that brought me back to the Catholic Faith. The Three Fatima Children were told to pray for three things, the conversion of Poor Sinner, the Consolation of the Immaculate Heart of Our Dear Blessed Mother for offenses against Her, and for the Holy Father himself. Whatever your thoughts our on Pope Francis, (I have huge issues with what was done at the Amazon Synod) he needs our prayers nonetheless, God desires all souls to be saved, and regardless of whether we have a good Pope or bad Pope, the office that holds a huge amount of responsibility; God hold the souls of Popes to a much higher standard than He does any of us. On that subject, we should also include Benedict XVI in our prayers, I’m not a fan of the “Pope Emeritus” thing, and won’t even bother getting into all the controversies surrounding his resignation, but he is also a soul that needs prayers, just like Francis.

Let us pray very much for them!

Update: Benedict XVI has passed, let us pray for soul, as well as the Pope Francis’; we’ll pray for Benedict’s soul until the end of 2023

2nd Update: 2023 has come to an end, but feel free to say an extra prayer for him if you see this.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • Five Decades for the Holy Rosary

  • One Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 7 Memorares

  • 2 Hail Holy Queens

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou our Salvation

  • O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

  • Mother of the Church, pray for us!

  • Saint Peter, pray for us!

Campaign for Benedict XVI’s soul is now complete!


For the Overthrow of Roe V. Wade.

Back in May, it was leaked that the judges of the US Supreme Court were considering overturning Roe V. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that forbade the States from enacting their own laws, criminalizing abortion; one of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance.

We are still awaiting the actual ruling regarding this current case, which is expected to be made, some time this Summer. In the meantime let us pray that this overturn happens and many lives and souls may be saved.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • Five Decades of the Holy Rosary

  • One or More Chaplet[s] of Divine Mercy

  • 7 Memorares

  • 3 Hail Marys

    In addition to one or more of the above prayer please include the following:

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • A Prayer for Our Lady’s intercession under the titles of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Living Ark of the New and Eternal Testament, and the Immaculate Conception.

Campaign Complete!


For the Souls

in Purgatory

October & November are months that call to mind the souls of the Faithful departed. Thus it is only fitting that this would be a good time to dedicating a prayer campaign to freeing the souls form Purgatory.

Let us pray during the months of October & November for our ancestors and all the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

The recommended prayers for this campaign are:

  • One hour of the Divine Office or hour of a Little Office

  • One, Five, Fifteen or Twenty Decades for the Holy Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • St. Gertrude’s prayer for the souls in purgatory

  • Ave Maris Stella

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 3 Hail Marys




Summer Campaign: 2024

It’s that time of year again, we’re once again going all-out spiritual warfare, and unleashing a prayer Crusade. This summer we’re going to confront a serious problem that’s effecting both Autistic people and arousing the concern of Faithful Catholics, this problem is transgenderism.

Transgenderism is new problem plaguing the Western Hemisphere, and it’s gripping a lot of Autistic People, particularly Autistic women and girls. This problem threatens to sterilize a lot of Autistic People and reduce the Autistic Population as a whole; as while we now know there are a lot more Autistic women and girls than originally thought, Autistic men and boys still hold a slight majority in the Autistic population. (To be fair, there may be aspects in the Autistic mind and will that may cause an Autistic transgendered person to resist the logical conclusion of denying their actual sex. Though these conditions could also compel said persons to double down and seek these final sterilizing treatments. But I’m not going to go into a long, speculative digression on this.)

The fact that a lot of Autistic People have been gripped by transgenderism has not escaped the noticed of most of our fellow-Catholics, and while there have been positive responses to the problem in general have been mostly positive among Catholics in general; when it comes to Autistic People, it has unfortunately led to the spouting of many misconceptions, stereotypes and falsehoods. It is my hope that this campaign (in addition to the new Argent League that I’m hoping to set up some time in June) my also result in better awareness understanding and acceptance of Autistic People, though the primary and most important goal of this campaign, is the Salvation of the bodies and souls of Autistic People.

This summer, from the first day of June all the way to the last day of August, let us pray hard that all Autistic People gripped by transgenderism may be freed from it, those in danger of falling into may be saved from it, and those who support it may have their eyes opened to the problems of it and change their ways.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary (I recommend at least 5) or Rule of Theotokos

  • An Hour of the Divine Office, Christian Prayer or one of the Little Offices

  • The Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • The Chaplet of the Little Crown

  • If you are unable to do any of the above, then at least say an Ave Maris Stella followed by a Memorare

In addition to one or more of the above you should also include one or more of the following:

  • Say, “O Mary Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church, and all those recommended to Thee!” or “Regina sine labe Originali Concepta, ora pro nobis et hostibus nostris!”

  • Say, “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in you!”

  • Say, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • Say, “Most Holy Theotokos, Save us!”

  • Say the Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe

  • Say the Litany of Loreto

  • Say the Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • Say the Litany of Divine Mercy

  • Say the Litany of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the conversion of sinners.

  • Say, “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • Say, “House of Gold, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Saint Joseph, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • Consider fasting or abstaining on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

You can also include or substitute some Eastern Catholic prayers in this campaign, I of course already included one or two in this list of recommendations

Campaign Complete!


#StopTheShock: Summer 2024

In Canton, Massachusetts lies the Judge Rotenberg Center, an institution that holds Autistic people and people with developmental disabilities and emotional disorders. The JRC uses the materialistic ABA treatment on the people being held there, including the excessive use of aversives such as restraints, sensory deprivation and the withholding of food.

Most notably, the JRC uses a device called a GED which is an acronym for Graduated Electronic Decelerator; the device uses electric shocks as an aversive. This device has three different versions which range in the intensity of the shock applied, the lowest, the GED-1 applies a shock of 30 mA and which lasts for two seconds while the GED-4, the most powerful of the devices, applies a shock 90 mA which also lasts for 2 seconds. All of these devices surpass the average cattle prod which applies a shock of 10 mA and lasts for only the fraction of a second. This device has been condemned by the UN as torture and in 2020, the FDA banned its use, but this ban was overturned a year later, though the ban might have been reinstated in May, I haven’t checked yet.

To this day, Autistic people and other individuals are being held at the JRC and suffering the various mistreatments I have mentioned above. This summer, please pray for all those being held at the JRC, and that the JRC be shut down, and GED be banned.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1 Hour of the Divine Office, or a little Office

  • 5, 15 0r 20 Decades of the Rosary or the Rule of Theotokos

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • 7 Memorares

  • The Auxilium Christianorum Prayer shown above

  • 1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Any version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Patrick, pray for us!” (Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of Massachusetts, and also the Patron Saint of engineers; we Autistic people often come from engineering families.)

  • “Saint Barbara, pray for us!” (Saint Barbara has often been invoked for protection against lightning and thunderstorms)

Please say these prayer until the campaign is complete, or you are no longer able to.

Campaign Complete!


2024 Head-Start

It’s a New Year and with a new year comes new plans, hopes, resolutions and changes. Instead of just making new year’s resolutions, let’s instead make a prayer campaign for all the hopes, dreams and plans we all have for the new year.

High on my own list is to find and marry my own future wife, so let’s particularly pray for the fulfillment each others calling be it married life, the priesthood or the religious life.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • 3 Hail Marys, or 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Holy Rosary

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Litany of Loreto

  • 1 Litany of the Holy Spirit

  • 1 Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

  • 1 Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • 1 Veni Creator Spiritus

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • Chaplet of Divine Mercy

    Campaign Complete!


Month of the Sacred Heart: 2024

June is the month of the Sacred Heart, devotion the Sacred is a great remedy against sins of anger, Our Lord Himself also offered great promises of Final Penitence to those practice this devotion and offer up prayers of reparation for sins blasphemies committed against the Sacred Heart; and of course, there is a lot happening in June that may give us great cause to practice devotion and reparation to the Sacred Heart.

Let us set aside some time this June to pray to the Sacred Heart, offer up reparations and pray for the spreading of this devotion.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • One Decade of the Rosary or Rule of Theotokos

  • One Hail Mary

  • The Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • The Chaplet of the Sacred Heart

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following:

  • Say, “Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!”

  • Say, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • Consider fasting or abstaining on Fridays

Campaign Complete!


#StopTheShock: Autism Acceptance Month 2024

In Canton, Massachusetts lies the Judge Rotenberg Center, an institution that holds Autistic people and people with developmental disabilities and emotional disorders. The JRC uses the materialistic ABA treatment on the people being held there, including the excessive use of aversives such as restraints, sensory deprivation and the withholding of food.

Most notably, the JRC uses a device called a GED which is an acronym for Graduated Electronic Decelerator; the device uses electric shocks as an aversive. This device has three different versions which range in the intensity of the shock applied, the lowest, the GED-1 applies a shock of 30 mA and which lasts for two seconds while the GED-4, the most powerful of the devices, applies a shock 90 mA which also lasts for 2 seconds. All of these devices surpass the average cattle prod which applies a shock of 10 mA and lasts for only the fraction of a second. This device has been condemned by the UN as torture and in 2020, the FDA banned its use, but this ban was overturned a year later though another ban may be coming into effect in late May, the device is being used to this day.

To this day, Autistic people and other individuals are being held at the JRC and suffering the various mistreatments I have mentioned above. This April, 2024, let us please pray for all those being held at the JRC, and that the JRC be shut down, and GED be banned.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 5, 15 0r 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • 7 Memorares

  • The Auxilium Christianorum Prayer shown above

  • 1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Any version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Patrick, pray for us!” (Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of Massachusetts, and also the Patron Saint of engineers; we Autistic people often come from engineering families.)

  • “Saint Barbara, pray for us!” (Saint Barbara has often been invoked for protection against lightning and thunderstorms)

Campaign Complete!


Prayer to Form Local Groups During Autism Acceptance Month 2024

It’s Autism Acceptance Month and so far, Claritas is still just an online group, we have no real presence in the real world. Our main goal as a group is to become a fully-recognized Confraternity, and we can’t achieve that unless we have a visible presence in real-life Catholic Parishes, Dioceses and communities. Let us double our efforts with the help of God’s Grace to achieve that, or at the very least, move much closer to that.

Let us pray to start finding fellow Autistic folk in our parish and for the conversion of Autistic folk in our hometowns and regions. Let us also pray for the Grace needed to achieve all this, and more.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • A Version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • The Litany of Loreto

  • The Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In Addition to one or more of these prayers, please consider including the following:

  • Say “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • Say “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • Say “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

    Campaign Complete!

Completed: Against Identitarianism2023

A year or two ago, I decided to start this campaign in response to the rise in Identitarianism on both the Left and the Right. After that I saw a slight but significant turn in the right direction among some forms of political discourse, especially among our fellow-Catholics. Encouraged by this result, and also in response to the fact that, unfortunately, Identitarianism is still nonetheless, wreaking havoc in our society and political discourse; I have deciding to start a new campaign against Identitarianism.

Most of us know well, the modern, toxic form of Identitarianism, but Identitarianism has existed long before its modern version reared it’s ugly head. It is my belief that World War I ultimately cast Christian Civilization into Her current dormant state, and brought about the modern, post-Christian West, and one of the key things that brought about World War I among many other things, was Identitarianism, all those nationalist movements that sprang-up across Europe. Additionally, it’s a common tactic for Communist governments to use patriotism and cultural pride as a form of bread & circuses for the masses; radio stations in the Soviet Union often played patriotic and traditional Russian music and poetry.

So let us pray for an end to Identitarianism, the People of God are not the descendants of Sem, nor are they the descendants of Ham or even Japheth, no, they are all those who are members of Christ’s Mystical Body, the Catholic Church!

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • One Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary of be Thou Our Salvation!”

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following prayers:

  • Immaculate Queen of the Universe, pray for us!

  • Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!

  • Queen of All Nations, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Sion, pray for us!

  • Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of China, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Vailankanni, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Kibeho, pray for us!

  • Any other cultural-related title of Our Lady that you know of, provided that it’s approved by the Church.

Campaign Complete!

Completed: Prayer to Form Local Groups

Our Discord Server has, I think been a very great success, we may not have a lot of people there, but the people that we do have have been very helpful to all member of Claritas and more. As we continue to expand into other areas and advance in other areas of our live, I believe that the time has come to focus on establishing local groups in our parishes and dioceses, and work hard towards our ultimate goal of becoming a full-blown Confraternity.

Let us pray to start finding fellow Autistic folk in our parish and for the conversion of Autistic folk in our hometowns and regions.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • A Version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • The Litany of Loreto

  • The Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In Addition to one or more of these prayers, please consider including the following:

  • Say “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • Say “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • Say “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”




The Great Re-Evangelization Campaign 2023-2024

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s time to start a new campaign (I realize that this was supposed to start on the Feast of Christ King) that will benefit us and a whole multitude of people. Apostasy is one of the most Spiritually toxic things imaginable, yet there is still hope for an apostate; yea not only is there hope, but as Saint James declares in the passage quoted to the left, if we help bring an apostate back to the Faith, we will cover a whole multitude of our own sins.

So, from Christmas until Pentecost, (Which is on May 19, 2024) let us pray for the reversion of all fallen-away Catholics. This of course will be an annual campaign.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary or the Prayer Rule of Theotokos (I’ll be updating the site and sign-up sheet sometime later)

  • “O blood and water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in you!”

  • The Divine Mercy Chaplet

  • The Veni Creator Spiritus Prayer

In addition to one of these prayer you should add the following:

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • “Our Lady of Grace, pray for us!”

  • “Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!”

  • “Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!”

  • “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • “Mother of the Church, pray for us!”

    Campaign Complete!


Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 2022

August is the Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and as someone was reverted to the Catholic Faith by Our Lady of Fatima, I figured I’d start this smaller, simpler Campaign in honour of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart; which is heavily emphasized in the Fatima Apparitions.

In this simple Campaign, I like all, willing participants to pray for the spreading of devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, for us have better recourse to, and take refuge in Her Immaculate Heart, and in reparation for the five blasphemies and all other blasphemies against Her Immaculate Heart:

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 7 Hail Marys in honour of Our Lady’s Seven Sorrows

  • 1 or 3 Hail Marys

  • 1 or 3 Memorares

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 or more“Immaculate Heart of Mary be Thou Our Salvation” (If one ops for the above prayers, it’s also recommended that this be included.)

Campaign Complete!


Month of Our Lady of Sorrows: 2022

The Month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, a devotion, dedicated to meditating on the Sorrows Our Lady suffered while being Christ’s Mother and suffering with Him during his rejection and Passion. The Devotion has been recommended especially to those suffer from past or present wounds, and also contains some powerful promises to those who say it devoutly and promote it. This Devotion is also associated with other titles of Our Lady like Queen of Martyrs, and Mother of Fair Love;

in this Campaign, let us pray to Our Lady of Sorrows, for ourselves, our family, friends, and neighbours and for all our fellow-Claritans, especially those who seek to fulfill their vocations be they to marriage and family life, to religious life, or the priesthood.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Hail Marys while meditating on Her 7 Sorrows during each Hail Mary

In addition to one or more of the above please consider adding the following prayer:

  • Meditate on the following passage from the Book of Ecclesiasticus or Sirach:

24 I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope.

25 In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.

26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits.

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.




The Month of Mary 2024

May is the Month of Mary, and as someone was reverted to the Catholic Faith by Our Lady of Fatima, I figured I’d start this smaller, simpler Campaign in honour of Our Lady.

In this simple Campaign, I like all, willing participants to pray for the spreading of devotion to Our Lady, for us have better recourse to, and take refuge in Her Immaculate Heart, and in reparation for the five blasphemies against Her Immaculate Heart and all other blasphemies and outrages against Her:

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1 or more hours of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • 1, 5, 15, or 20 Decades of the Holy Rosary

  • 7 Hail Marys in honour of Our Lady’s Seven Sorrows

  • 1 or 3 Hail Marys

  • 1 or 3 Memorares

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 or more“Immaculate Heart of Mary be Thou Our Salvation” (If one ops for the above prayers, it’s also recommended that this be included.)

  • 1 or more “Show Thyself a Mother!”

Campaign Complete!


Month of Our Lady of Sorrows: 2024

The Month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, a devotion, dedicated to meditating on the Sorrows Our Lady suffered while being Christ’s Mother and suffering with Him during his rejection and Passion. The Devotion has been recommended especially to those suffer from past or present wounds, and it also offers some powerful promises to those who say it devoutly and promote it. This Devotion is also associated with other titles of Our Lady like Queen of Martyrs, and Mother of Fair Love;

in this Campaign, let us pray to Our Lady of Sorrows, for ourselves, our family, friends, and neighbours and for all our fellow-Claritans, especially those who seek to fulfill their vocations be they to marriage and family life, to religious life, or the priesthood.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Hail Marys while meditating on Her 7 Sorrows during each Hail Mary

In addition to one or more of the above please consider adding the following prayer:

  • Meditate on the following passage from the Book of Ecclesiasticus or Sirach:

24 I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope.

25 In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.

26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits.

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

This Campaign will conclude at the end of September




Summer Campaign: 2023

This summer, we’re finally going all-out spiritual warfare, this summer, we’re unleashing a prayer Crusade. This summer we’re going to confront a serious problem that’s effecting both Autistic people and arousing the concern of Faithful Catholics, this problem is transgenderism.

Transgenderism is new problem plaguing the Western Hemisphere, and it’s gripping a lot of Autistic People, particularly Autistic women and girls. This problem threatens to sterilize a lot of Autistic People and reduce the Autistic Population as a whole; as while we now know there are a lot more Autistic women and girls than originally thought, Autistic men and boys still hold a slight majority in the Autistic population. (To be fair, there may be aspects in the Autistic mind and will that may cause an Autistic transgendered person to resist the logical conclusion of denying their actual sex. Though these conditions could also compel said persons to double down and seek these final sterilizing treatments. But I’m not going to go into a long, speculative digression on this.)

The fact that a lot of Autistic People have been gripped by transgenderism has not escaped the noticed of most of our fellow-Catholics, and while there have been positive responses to the problem in general have been mostly positive among Catholics in general; when it comes to Autistic People, it has unfortunately led to the spouting of many misconceptions, stereotypes and falsehoods. It is my hope that this campaign (in addition to the new Argent League that I’m hoping to set up some time in June) my also result in better awareness understanding and acceptance of Autistic People, though the primary and most important goal of this campaign, is the Salvation of the bodies and souls of Autistic People.

This summer, from the first day of June all the way to the last day of August, let us pray hard that all Autistic People gripped by transgenderism may be freed from it, those in danger of falling into may be saved from it, and those who support it may have their eyes opened to the problems of it and change their ways.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary (I recommend at least 5)

  • An Hour of the Divine Office, Christian Prayer or one of the Little Offices

  • The Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

  • The Chaplet of the Little Crown

  • If you are unable to do any of the above, then at least say an Ave Maris Stella followed by a Memorare

In addition to one or more of the above you should also include one or more of the following:

  • Say, “O Mary Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially all enemies of the Church, and all those recommended to Thee!” or “Regina sine labe Originali Concepta, ora pro nobis et hostibus nostris!”

  • Say, “O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in you!”

  • Say, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • Say, “Most Holy Theotokos, Save us!”

  • Say the Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe

  • Say the Litany of Loreto

  • Say the Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • Say the Litany of Divine Mercy

  • Say the Litany of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the conversion of sinners.

  • Say, “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!”

  • Say, “House of Gold, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Saint Joseph, pray for us!”

  • Say, “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • Consider fasting or abstaining on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

You can also include or substitute some Eastern Catholic prayers in this campaign, I of course already included one or two in this list of recommendations

Say these prayers until the campaign is complete, or until you are no longer capable of reciting them.

Campaign Complete!


#StopTheShock: Summer 2023

In Canton, Massachusetts lies the Judge Rotenberg Center, an institution that holds Autistic people and people with developmental disabilities and emotional disorders. The JRC uses the materialistic ABA treatment on the people being held there, including the excessive use of aversives such as restraints, sensory deprivation and the withholding of food.

Most notably, the JRC uses a device called a GED which is an acronym for Graduated Electronic Decelerator; the device uses electric shocks as an aversive. This device has three different versions which range in the intensity of the shock applied, the lowest, the GED-1 applies a shock of 30 mA and which lasts for two seconds while the GED-4, the most powerful of the devices, applies a shock 90 mA which also lasts for 2 seconds. All of these devices surpass the average cattle prod which applies a shock of 10 mA and lasts for only the fraction of a second. This device has been condemned by the UN as torture and in 2020, the FDA banned its use, but this ban was overturned a year later, and the device is being used to this day.

To this day, Autistic people and other individuals are being held at the JRC and suffering the various mistreatments I have mentioned above. I already held a prayer campaign for Autism Acceptance Month, now I have decided to launch another for the entire season of summer, please pray for all those being held at the JRC, and that the JRC be shut down, and GED be banned.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 5, 15 0r 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • 7 Memorares

  • The Auxilium Christianorum Prayer shown above

  • 1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Any version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Patrick, pray for us!” (Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of Massachusetts, and also the Patron Saint of engineers; we Autistic people often come from engineering families.)

  • “Saint Barbara, pray for us!” (Saint Barbara has often been invoked for protection against lightning and thunderstorms)

Please say these prayer until the campaign is complete, or you are no longer able to.

Campaign Complete!


Against Identitarianism

It’s not always good to focus on sociopolitical or sociocultural issues, especially in our current society. However I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, and now, I figured that I’d finally post this minor prayer campaign and ask my fellow-Claritans to join-in. In this prayer campaign, I’d like to ask us to pray that Our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Queen of All Nations free us from Identitarianism and establish good relations between ethnic groups, and ultimately have us all unified around, not a Euro-centric, but Theo-centric and Christo-centric culture and civilization.

Most of us know well, the modern, toxic form of Identitarianism, but Identitarianism has existed long before its modern version reared it’s ugly. I believe that it was World War I that cast Christian Civilization into Her current dormant state, and brought about the modern, post-Christian West, there were many factors that brought about World War I but one of them, the one that arguably was most well-known is Identitarianism, all those nationalist movements that were springing-up across Europe. Additionally, it’s a common tactic for Communist governments to promote patriotism and cultural pride as a form of bread & circuses for the masses; radio in the Soviet Union for example often played patriotic and traditional Russian music and poetry.

So let us pray for an end to Identitarianism, the People of God are not the descendants of Sem, nor are they the descendants of Ham or even Japheth, no, they are all those who are members of Christ’s Mystical Body, the Catholic Church!

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • One Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)

  • “Immaculate Heart of Mary of be Thou Our Salvation!”

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following prayers:

  • Immaculate Queen of the Universe, pray for us!

  • Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!

  • Queen of All Nations, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Sion, pray for us!

  • Living Ark of the New and Eternal Covenant, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of China, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Vailankanni, pray for us!

  • Our Lady of Kibeho, pray for us!

  • Any other cultural-related title of Our Lady that you know of, provided that it’s approved by the Church.

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

Campaign Completed!

Campaign Complete!

Summer of Gratitude 

Claritas has developed a lot this year, and I myself have made a lot of spiritual advances, both during Holy Week, and during May. I think it’s time for us to reflect on all the good things we have received from God, and offer up prayers of thanksgiving.

Let us do just that throughout this summer.

Prayers recommended during this campaign:

  • 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • 3 Hail Marys

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Glory Be

  • 1 Trisagion

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following:

  • Say the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

  • Say the Litany of Loreto

You can also add any other prayers of praise and thanksgiving that I’m not aware of.

Say these prayers until the campaign is complete or you are no longer able to.

Campaign Complete!

2023 Head-Start

It’s a New Year and with a new year comes new plans, hopes, resolutions and changes. Instead of just making new year’s resolutions, let’s instead make a prayer campaign for all the hopes, dreams and plans we all have for the new year.

High on my own list is to find and marry my own future wife, so let’s particularly pray for the fulfillment each others calling be it married life, the priesthood or the religious life.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • 3 Hail Marys, or 1, 5, 15 or 20 Decades of the Holy Rosary

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Litany of Loreto

  • 1 Litany of the Holy Spirit

  • 1 Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

  • 1 Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • 1 Veni Creator Spiritus

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • Chaplet of Divine Mercy

    Say one or more of these prayers until the campaign is complete, or you can no longer do perform it.

    This campaign will be completed at the end of January.


In Canton, Massachusetts lies the Judge Rotenberg Center, an institution that holds Autistic people and people with developmental disabilities and emotional disorders. The JRC uses the materialistic ABA treatment on the people being held there, including the excessive use of aversives such as restraints, sensory deprivation and the withholding of food.

Most notably, the JRC uses a device called a GED which is an acronym for Graduated Electronic Decelerator; the device uses electric shocks as an aversive. This device has three different versions which range in the intensity of the shock applied, the lowest, the GED-1 applies a shock of 30 mA and which lasts for two seconds while the GED-4, the most powerful of the devices, applies a shock 90 mA which also lasts for 2 seconds. All of these devices surpass the average cattle prod which applies a shock of 10 mA and lasts for only the fraction of a second. This device has been condemned by the UN as torture and in 2020, the FDA banned its use, but this ban was overturned a year later, and the device is being used to this day.

To this day, Autistic people and other individuals are being held at the JRC and suffering the various mistreatments I have mentioned above. With Autism Acceptance Month now here, I’d like to call on all members to pray for those being held at the JRC, and that the GED be banned and the institute shutdown.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 5, 15 0r 20 Decades of the Rosary

  • 1 Hail Holy Queen

  • 1 Ave Maris Stella

  • 7 Memorares

  • The Auxilium Christianorum Prayer shown above

  • 1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

In addition to one of these prayers, you should include one or more of the following prayers:

  • Any version of the Miraculous Medal Prayer

  • “Immaculate Conception, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Thorlak, pray for us!”

  • “Saint Patrick, pray for us!” (Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of Massachusetts, and also the Patron Saint of engineers; we Autistic people often come from engineering families.)

  • “Saint Barbara, pray for us!” (Saint Barbara has often been invoked for protection against lightning and thunderstorms)

Campaign Completer, but please keep the people being held at the JRC in your prayers even after this campaign is over.

COMPLETED: Month of Our Lady of Sorrows: 2023

The Month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, a devotion, dedicated to meditating on the Sorrows Our Lady suffered while being Christ’s Mother and suffering with Him during his rejection and Passion. The Devotion has been recommended especially to those suffer from past or present wounds, and also contains some powerful promises to those who say it devoutly and promote it. This Devotion is also associated with other titles of Our Lady like Queen of Martyrs, and Mother of Fair Love;

in this Campaign, let us pray to Our Lady of Sorrows, for ourselves, our family, friends, and neighbours and for all our fellow-Claritans, especially those who seek to fulfill their vocations be they to marriage and family life, to religious life, or the priesthood.

Prayers recommended for this Campaign are:

  • 1 Seven Sorrows Rosary

  • 7 Hail Marys while meditating on Her 7 Sorrows during each Hail Mary

  • The Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows

  • The Following Prayer: Hail Mary, full of sorrows, the Crucified is with thee: tearful art thou amongst women, and tearful is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of the Crucified, grant tears to us crucifiers of thy Son, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

In addition to one or more of the above please consider adding the following prayer:

  • Meditate on the following passage from the Book of Ecclesiasticus or Sirach:

24 I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope.

25 In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.

26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits.

Say these prayers until the campaign is completed, or until you can no longer perform them.

Campaign Complete!

Month of the Sacred Heart: 2023

June is the month of the Sacred Heart, devotion the Sacred is a great remedy against sins of anger, Our Lord Himself also offered great promises of Final Penitence to those practice this devotion and offer up prayers of reparation for sins blasphemies committed against the Sacred Heart; and of course, there is a lot happening in June that may give us great cause to practice devotion and reparation to the Sacred Heart.

Let us set aside some time this June to pray to the Sacred Heart, offer up reparations and pray for the spreading of this devotion.

Prayers recommended for this campaign are:

  • The Litany of the Sacred Heart

  • The Chaplet of the Sacred Heart

In addition to one or more of the above, please consider adding one or more of the following:

  • Say, “Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!”

  • Say, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, be Thou Our Salvation!”

  • Consider fasting or abstaining on Fridays

Campaign Complete!